I still remember the famous sentence of Al Pacino in the movie Devil’s Advocate: ” Vanity is definitely my favorite sin”. Pride and vanity are quite different things. Pride relates more to our opinion of ourselves, on the other hand vanity to what we would have others think of us. Which is good? to what extend is open to debate…

It was the 1800s of England. There was a woman called Jane Austen was writing fabulously. I am sure that people talked a lot about Miss Elizabeth Benet and Mr. Darcy in the last two hundred years. Probably, a lot of people admire them. Even we have met Mr. Darcy in Briget Jones Diary two times already.

I keep asking to myself: What drives people more? vanity or pride? Let’s say someone tells something bad about you directly or indirectly. Would you try to do something against it? Would you try to correct or change the people’s idea of you by having the fear that this offense changed the way they think of you?

How would be the love story of Jane and Mr. Bingley or Lizzy and Mr. Dary if they lived today? Probably, they would aware of each others feelings earlier but wouldn’t mind much. Jane would send an sms to Mr. Bingley to say she was on the way to London. They would meet for a drink in a nice London bar or maybe they would go to a club together on Saturday night. I am sure Lizzy would write emails to tell what happened in the mean time instead of writing such long letters.

Would men care of a woman’s fortune before deciding to marry her? Bank accounts would not be as transparent as in the times of Austen. But there are many unchanged things. People still do care of money as in the past. They are still competing with each other. They still like to think of themselves as the most happiest couple in the world at the beginning… Do you think whether “happily lived forever” exists? or has ever existed?

Bu yazı, ilk defa 07/12/2006 tarihinde havadansudan.azbuz.com’da yayınlandı.