Yoga helps to increase your strength and flexibility at the same time. In today’s yoga class, our teacher Kevin explained this role on shaping ourselves and our bodies. Let’s have a closer look at the meaning of “Strength” and “Flexibility”:

Strength: “The state, property, or quality of being strong.” Strength refers especially to physical, mental, or moral robustness or vigor.

Flexibility: “Capability of withstanding stress without injury and figuratively to what can undergo change or modification.”

According to Kevin; people with strength can get better at yoga quicker than the people with more flexibility. It explains why there were more men than women in today’s class. It takes more (time, effort) to develop the strength than flexibility.

It applies to the character of people as well. Flexible but not strong ones need more time to reach their targets. The best to find the right combination of being strong and gentle in life like in our yoga practice.