my first lazy day for such a long time, I got to know the
Pollyanna-type primary school teacher Poppy. Thanks to Mike Leign
that he shot the movie: Happy-Go-Lucky. The main character is
a thirty-year-old woman so light-hearted and carefree that you
suspect during 118 minutes that she’s continuously on drugs. Her
infinite optimism irritates people very often. She is too happy to be
real for the people who find it difficult answer her simple question:
“Are you happy in your life?”. During the movie, you see the
battle of extremes:
depressed ordinary people of London against the free spirit and
always-smiling Poppy. Her gloomy driving instructor Scott faces
his anger problems during their lessons together. It is not that hard
to understand why she triggers Scott after watching one of the
scenes. Poppy just smiles and says “Oh no, I didn’t have a
chance to say goodbye” when she realizes that her padlocked
bicycle is stolen. Nevertheless, Sally Hawkins as Poppy won the
Silver Bear for best actress
with her jingling
jewellery and clattering high-heeled boots for her performance in

representing the modern working class women, manipulates my thoughts
as well as many others’. Being 30 years old, being single, still
living with your roommate and not caring of the anything happens
around you is a nice and comfortable way of living? Or do you prefer
to be one of Poppy’s sisters who dominates her husband but pregnant
with a house of own and has already planned her future? It is
everyone’s own decision to say which way is lazier or more
convenient. However, my anticipation is that we will see more of
this kind of movies which inject
artificial happiness and alternative ways of getting along with life
more often in the future.

Bu yazı, ilk defa 18/8/2008
tarihinde havadansudan.azbuz.com’da yayınlandı.